WH Hockey

Home of the Panthers

Saturday, March 29, 2014


The WH Hockey Banquet for the 2013-14 season will be held Sunday, April 6th @ 2pm at WH.  If you have not given a head count for your family, please do so to whhockeyboosters@gmail.com
If you would like to help out by bringing a dessert, thank you!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Parent Meeting/Hockey Banquet

Booster meeting tonight Wed., March 19th @ Venus 3 @ 7pm.

The hockey banquet is scheduled for Sunday, April 6th @ 2pm @ Whitman Hanson.  We will be serving pizza & salad in the cafeteria and then will head to the performing arts center for award/senior presentation and slide show.  All JV & Varsity players and their family are invited to attend.  We ask that the $25 banquet fee and the $50 donation request be sent in prior to this day.  We will be asking for a headcount one week prior to this date.  If you would like to help out with the banquet, please let us know.

Monday, March 3, 2014

PARENT/BOOSTER Meeting Wed. 3/5 7pm Hanson Police Station

There is a VERY important meeting this Wed. at 7pm at the Hanson Police Station on Rt. 27, Hanson for all WH Hockey parents (JV & VARSITY).  The future of the JV program, fundraising, end of year banquet are the main focus of discussion!  We will also be electing parents for positions on the "WH Hockey Booster Board". 
These positions are as follows:  President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary, Fundraiser Leader

We are asking at least one parent to represent each player at the meeting so that we can reach a quorum.  Let your voice be heard and come vote! 

If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so whhockeyboosters@gmail.com