WH Hockey

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Whitman-Hanson Boosters Page

About the Boosters PARENTS

The Hockey Boosters translates to Hockey PARENTS!  If you have a son who is a player, YOU are a booster member.  Our Varsity program is primarily school-funded; in the Spring of 2014 the school committee approved an additional $200 HOCKEY user fee to cover the JV league costs and any additional  transportation and/or ice expenses.

However, we will continue to fundraiser in order to pay coaches salaries, additional ice time needed, new jerseys, subsidize costs of trips, senior gifts, end of year banquet etc.  We are excited to keep this program moving in the right direction and give the HOCKEY program the respect it deserves!

  As always, any help is appreciated!  Maybe you have an idea you want to run with?  Maybe you have a connection that could help us avoid expenses?  Please support the fundraisers by attending events, buying merchandise or volunteering to do a fundraiser on behalf of the hockey program!